Monica Perez Vega, MFA

Since January, we’ve been in London enjoying time with our daughter, Monica, and her family while she finished up her MFA. The big news is, Monica completed her MFA at the Slade School of Fine Art at UCL this week! The culminating event was the MA/MFA/PHD Degree Show, which will be held June 6th through June 16th.

Monica’s degree is in painting, but she works with a range of materials. She has been experimenting with plastics over the past year and was invited to create a piece of work for an exhibition called Raw Materials: Plastics presented by Bow Arts in East London.

Raw Materials explores the forgotten industrial history of plastic in east London around the River Lea. The exhibition reveals the story of east London’s central role in the invention and early development of plastics, showcasing some of the very first plastic objects alongside newly commissioned artwork which tells the story of this material’s remarkable journey. The project is supported by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, as well as by academic partner University College London.

Matt and I are proud parents. You can see more of her work and read her blog:

Exhibition at Blank 100 Gallery
Raw Materials: Plastics at Nunnery Gallery, Bow Arts

It’s been a rare opportunity to be a part of the household here where we helped with childcare and household business, since Monica and Cesar are currently halfway moved to Birmingham. It’s also been a rare opportunity to really get to know London. Being retired, we have had time, while our granddaughter is in school, to spend almost every day experiencing some new aspect of London life. It is with fond memories we end our time here, as we head off June 10 for a nine-city self-guided tour of Scandinavia.

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